Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Create a Social Bookmarking Account in

  1. In the address bar of an internet browser, type:
  2. Press Enter
  3. Click on the Register link in the upper-right corner of the page
  1. Fill in the initial account information and click Register
  2. If on a personal computer, install the buttons & then restart your browser.
  3. Step three is a quick “button tutorial” and also gives you your direct web address to your saved pages in!
  1. Now, browse to your favorite professional website.
  2. Once there, click the button to tag the website.
  1. The “Annotation” window will display – enter pertinent information:

A few notes on annotating websites:

· URL: This field will autofill with the site’s web address

· Description: This field typically autofills with the web site’s title

· Notes: Explanation of site, how is it valuable to you?

· Tags: keyword identifiers that can be used as filters to find important websites you’ve saved.

Use the “social” features of

  1. Link to users that have also saved the sites you’ve saved
  2. Add a user to your network
  3. Add a subscription to your account (user plus tag)

Add a website to your account when you don’t have access to your personal/work computer:

  1. Navigate to a website you would like to save.
  2. Copy the web address by highlighting the address in the address bar and pressing CTRL + C.
  3. Navigate and login to your account.
  4. Click the post button located below your username in the top-left corner.
  1. Paste the web address in the URL box that displays by pressing CTRL + V.
  2. Click the Save button at the end of the box.
  3. Annotate the website.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Paperless World??? Yeah!

Fascinating article from the NY Times:

YouTube in YOUR Classroom

Web 2.0 Students

· YouTube Video produced by Mike Wesch, Cultural Anthropology Faculty at Kansas State Univeristy:

What IS YouTube?

· Video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips. (

· Sharing….Social Networking

How can YouTube work for ME?

· Help illustrate a dynamic or hard to explain concept:

o Do a keyword search in the Search field…

  • Have students locate video that illustrates dynamic or hard to explain concepts – analyze the sources in class, or have the students evaluate them as sources. Create a rubric for them to use.
  • Have students produce video and post it on YouTube
  • Showcase your program, facilities, and student work.
  • Have students create YouTube accounts and use the social network tools to connect with others in their disciplines
    • Subscribe to a users videos to get notification of new videos
    • Become “friends” with other users that have content you find useful
    • Explore “friends” of “friends”

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Using the Web as a Resource

The following information comes from a presentation I gave at ACERT in Las Vegas, NV on February 7, 2008.



Want students accessing resources beyond the textbook? Have them do a simple Google search with particular key words. Tell the students to present their finding(s) in class OR in an online discussion board or personal blog.

These results were gleaned by using the keyword “x-ray”


Need to illustrate a “hard to explain concept?” Go to and search on a key word to see what video results display:

These results were gleaned by using the keyword “x-ray”


Do you want students to see many images to illustrate a single concept? Have your students do a Google Image search ( using keywords. Have them present their findings in class or in an online discussion board or personal blog.


Would you like your students to write and reflect more on their experiences and ideas within the field? Have them create a blog!

Would you like students to read different viewpoints about topics in the field from “real people?” Have them search blog sites for topics in the radiography field.

Social networking sites

Don’t underestimate the importance of learning being “social” – the more your students “connect” with others in the radiography field, the better they may excel in your courses! Have your students become a member of a radiography social networking site:

Social bookmarking tools

Are your students doing research and compiling resources? Track their research by having them create social bookmarking accounts:

Friday, February 1, 2008

Consistency in hybrid design

I'm sitting here in a workshop about how to develop a hybrid.....and I'm grappling with the concept of having the hybrid design be "consistent" across an institution. Though I see the positives of consistency, I'm a true believer that each course and course content have different needs in respect to a hybrid course. What are your thoughts?