Friday, February 1, 2008

Consistency in hybrid design

I'm sitting here in a workshop about how to develop a hybrid.....and I'm grappling with the concept of having the hybrid design be "consistent" across an institution. Though I see the positives of consistency, I'm a true believer that each course and course content have different needs in respect to a hybrid course. What are your thoughts?


Charlene said...

Maybe there could be consistency in the set up of the class or in the way the out of class work is done. For example, all hybrid classes would have the same look for the computer part of the class (if using the computer is compatible with the course work). If that part were always the same, students would become comfortable with part of the class and would be able to move into other hybrid classes with some modicum of comfort. But, saying that, the classes could be different in ways that would be important to the course content. Some things could be consistent; some things could be different, much like life is. We all exist in about the same way but we're also always different from each other.

Anonymous said...

I agree - a common look and feel for courses across an institution is critical for navigation and ease of use; however, course content should drive the course and its development. Some institutions have their hybrid courses meet a specific number of hours per semester. I do not think that should be a decision made institution wide but be based more on content.

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